Thursday, March 18, 2004

Busy week. Busy night.

It is interesting that somehow you learn to cope. The thought of having a busy day, needing to deal with life-death situations puts you off. But when it happens, when you are in the thick and thin of it, time accelerates. You focus, live the moment. You get a feeling of having lived a lifetime after that. You somehow enjoy the excitement, the adrenaline rush, the power, the control, the challenge.....
Ironically someone else's disastorous day turns out to be an exciting one for you. Even though, you dont think about it that way. You dont theorise when you are doing it. You just get on and do it.
I always thought and still think I am not the kind of guy who would like to indulge in extreme sport....I hate roller coasters, I used to think. But hmm...may be not....
The "highs" from the adrenaline rush..the clarity of your thought, the pace of your thinking, the focus, the feeling of getting ready to fight or flight.. is awesome.....